MERN Stack Web Development Training Course
In this project-based course students will learn to develop web applications MERN Stack (MongoDB, Express, ReactJS and NodeJS). It includes development of the server side (Back-End) of the application using NodeJS, Express Framework and MongoDB in the form of REST APIs and the Front-End of the web application using React, Redux & BootStrap by consuming REST APIs.
Knowledge of HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript & BootStrap is required for this course. People not having this background should take our Front End Web Development Course prior to this course.
Course Outlines
MERN Essentials & JavaScript ES6
Introduction to MERN Stack Web Development
Components of MERN (MongoDB, Express, Node JS & React JS
Setting Development Environment for MERN Stack Web Development
Quick Review of JavaScript & JavaScript ES5 vs ES6
ES6 syntax, difference between var, let and const,
Control with block scoping, Template literals
Object destructuring, Spread and Rest Operators
Methods and Modules, Arrow Functions (Map, Reduce, Filter etc.)
OOP in JavaScript (Classes, Inheritance etc.)
Default and named import/export, Short-Hand property Syntax
Fetch/then, Async & Await Keywords
React & Redux for Front End Web Development
React Big Picture, History & Goals
Setting up your Development Environment: Node.js, NPM and Git
Introduction to React and JSX
Configuring your React Application
React Components
Composing Components
React Components: State and Props
React Components: Lifecycle Methods
React Component Types
Presentational and Container Components
Functional Components
React Router
Single Page Applications
React Router: Parameters
Controlled Forms
Controlled Forms Validation
Uncontrolled Components
Uncontrolled Forms
Introduction to Redux
React Redux Form
React Redux Form Validation
Redux Actions
Combining Reducers
Redux Thunk
React-Redux-Form Revisited
Client-Server Communication
Networking Essentials
Fetch & Promises, Error Handling
Node JS, Express & MongoDB for Backend Development
Intro to backend Development with NodeJS, Express and MongoDB
Node.js Big picture, History & Goals
Setting up Development Environment
Introduction to Node.js and NPM
Understanding Node Modules
Introduction to Express
Setting up Node Server
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
Restful API (Sending Requests & Responses)
Express Router
Introduction to MongoDB
Node and MongoDB
Callback Hell and Promises
Mongoose ODM
REST API with Express, MongoDB and Mongoose
Basic Authentication
How Authentication Works
Express Sessions
User Authentication with Passport
Token Based Authentication
User Authentication with Passport and JSON Web Token
Custom Authentication Middleware
Deployment & Configuration of MERN Stack Web Application